Annoying ads have a real cost to users beyond mere annoyance
: reduced visits of shorter duration, fewer referrals, long-term user disengagement...
It has been shown that it is better to not show any ads than to show non relevant ones.
=> Using explicit feedback from users can help capture all these effects and once integrated directly into the ad ranking score allows ads to be ranked interms of bit short term and long term expected revenue.
Bias can come from
⇨ Investigate if the association between ads and ad feedback is affected by
Users may dislike ads but not indicate this through a feedback option whereas others may always give feedback, however minro the complaint.
User demographics
User interests
Ad quality
An ad quality model based on such biased data wil consistently over or under estimate the quality of ads.
⇨ develop a model able to determine the proportion of bias present in the feedback on ads.
Simple logistic regression based ad-user model
⇨ Goal is to identify user selection bias term $ w_u . u $
Deviance statistics for the models of interest
⇨ Suggests that there is a selection bias due to targeting present in the feedback data
⇨ + selection bias due to user ad sensitivity (click behaviour variables explain additional feedback)
Formula that explicitly models the user selection bias in addition to the ad features:
$$ f(\hat{p}) = w_0 + w_a . a + I(w_u . u) + \epsilon $$⇨ ads with low pagerank, low readability, low adult and low spam levels are considered as low quality
⇨ single features do not characterize the quality of an ad
⇨ features such as adultness and pagerank: for high levels, likely to receive feedback from general population, but less likely from a specific segment of users.
: based on probability that ad is clicked given a user impression