Gender Shades

Intersectional Accuracy Disparities in Commercial Gender Classification

Paper contributions

  • New dataset composed of 1270 individuals, balanced

  • First Intersectional demographic and phenotypic evaluation of face-based gender classification accuracy

1. Datasets

2. Classification

3. Applications

1. Datasets

Why is the dataset important

e.g.: Accuracies of face recognition systems used by us law enforcement are systematically lower for people labeled female, black and 18-30

Existing Datasets

IJB-A and Adience

  • Disproportion of representation for gender and phenotypes
  • Over representation of lighter males
  • Under representation of darker individuals

IJB-A: most geographically diverse set of collected faces

PPB Dataset

Pilot Parliaments Benchmark

  • Dataset balanced by gender and skin type
  • From parliament pictures
  • Countries with majority population at opposite ends of the skin type scale


  • Subjects’ phenotypic features can vary widely within a racial or ethnic category
  • Racial and ethnic categories are not consistent accross geographies
    • Racial and ethnic labels unstable => use skin type
  • Fitzpatrick classification is skewed towards lighter skin
  • Gender classifiers provided by companies : gender identity or biological sex?
    • PPB labeled as perceived as woman or man

Dataset Labeling

Skin type labels

  • Labeled by the Fitzpatrick six point skin type scale
  • Board - certified surgical dermatologist provided the definitive labels

Gender labels

  • Based on name, gendered title, prefixes (Mr, Mrs... ) and appearance on photo

2. Classification

Algorithms used

  • 3 commercial gender classifiers: Microsoft, IBM, Face++
  • Face recognition systems tend to perform better on their respective populations
  • Microsoft : “advanced statistical algorithms"
  • IBM and face++: "deep learning based algorithms"

Test methodology

Datasets are only used as testing benchmark.

Since proprietary algorithms, can't change training data.

Test evaluation

  • Assess overall classification accuracy , male classif accuracy, female classif accuracy (ppv)
  • Results detailed in more specific groups


  • Better performance on male faces than female faces
    • 8.1% − 20.6% difference in error rate
  • Better performance on lighter faces than darker faces
    • 11.8% − 19.2% difference in error rate
  • Worst performance on darker female faces
    • 20.8% − 34.7% error rate
  • Best performance
    • Microsoft: lighter male faces (0.0% error rate)
    • IBM: lighter male faces (0.3% error rate)
    • Face++: darker male faces (0.7% error rate)
  • The maximum difference in error rate between the best and worst classified groups is 34.4%

3. Applications

Examples of applications

  • Helping determine who is hired, fired, granted a loan
  • How long individual spends in prison
  • Identify suspects
  • Identify emotions from images of people's faces
  • Understand and help people with autism
  • Surveillance and crime prevention

